Grand Session 2024
"Be the author of your own history."
Hello Demigods,
It is with great joy that we invite you to be the authors of your own epic journeys while commemorating and celebrating the 30 years of Job’s Daughters in Minas Gerais.
For this purpose, we have an appointment at our Annual Grand Session:
🌳 Data: July 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2024
🌳 Local: Senior Village Eco Resort
Fazenda Coqueiral, 84 - Zona Rural, Jaboticatubas - MG
Registration is now open and can be done by clicking the button below, but remember:
🌳Registration is individual.
🌳Registration is confirmed upon presentation of proof of payment, as described in our Regulations.
🌳The confirmations will be sent twice a month, on dates to be announced on our Instagram. However, please be aware that payments identified close to the registration confirmation sending dates may have their confirmations sent on the subsequent date.
We reinforce that, according to AGS24 regulations, it is not possible to cancel the registration due to withdrawal. The only alternative is to transfer the ownership of your registration to an interested person. This transfer must be formalized using the forms provided below. It is important to emphasize that the entire process is YOUR responsibility.
And be aware that the registration period runs until May 12, 2024!
Camp Half-Blood eagerly awaits your arrival.
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: grandesessaomg2024@gmail.com.
Mrs. L.
As inscrições também estão abertas e podem ser feitas clicando no botão a seguir:
🪶 As inscrição vão até de 30 de maio de 2024.
🪶As categorias deste ano são:
1. Texto
2. Vídeo Promocional
3. Artesanato em tecidos/linhas
4. Artesanato em bijuterias
5. Artesanato decorativo
6. Fotografia
7. Desenho
8. Pintura
Para as informações completas acesse o edital acima e quaisquer dúvidas, não hesite em entrar em contato pelo: concursobibliotecaria@filhasdejomg.com