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Be the author of your own story

Every story must be told, whether it is a comedy, an adventure or a

love story. But it can also be a drama, a tragedy or a monotony of no

change, because we all have all of these in our lives. What changes

is how and when we edit, what experiences we focus on, and what

we replicate.

You are responsible for how your story will be told, what legacy you

will leave and how you will be remembered; be the heroine who

inspired you. So, live every day as the protagonist of the best story

of all, yours. And when the time comes for the flowers to bloom,

make the most of spring.

A story opens up thousands of possibilities; small phrases hold

feelings in each dramatic pause, capable of awakening dreams and

inspirations. Therefore, we ask the gods to never allow us to lack

dreams and energy to fulfil them. We all know that adventures are much more exciting and always remembered. May your story be magnificent, as you deserve, and may you be the protagonist of each of your dreams and goals. Therefore, through this test, we express the desire for our upcoming adventure, asking that, once again, the gods guide us safely to our Camp.

We ensure that our Camp is protected, and this may seem like such an old story that it feels like a legend, but her name was Thalia, daughter of Zeus, she gave her life to save three of her friends. And as she was dying, her father found another way to keep her alive. A way to keep all demigods safe. A gift to ensure that no one in the camp suffers the same way. Every single day, Thalia's story inspires us and her tree protects our home. It reminds us how every moment is valuable and the importance of being able to share them, just as our good friend Tyson, son of Poseidon, asserts: everything gets better with siblings.

The story continues to be written, and another chapter approaches. Stay tuned for the next information, may the gods guide us in our purpose and may our paths cross for another milestone, celebrating the story already written: The 30 years of Job's Daughters Minas Gerais.


We wait for you to write another chapter of our lives together!

With determination and loyalty,

Camp Half-Blood Counsellors

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